Recurrent connectivity shapes spatial coding in hippocampal CA3 subregions

Kong E, Zabeh E, Liao Z, Mihaila T, Wilson C, Santhirasegaran C, Peterka D, Losonczy A and Geiller T
bioRxiv, 2024

Publications of PI before lab opening

Inhibitory control of sharp-wave ripple duration during learning in hippocampal recurrent networks.

Vancura B*, Geiller T*, Grosmark A, Zhao V, and Losonczy A. (*: equal contribution)
Nature Neuroscience, 2023.

Local circuit amplification of spatial selectivity in the hippocampus.

Geiller T, Sadeh S, Rolotti S, Blockus H, Vancura B, Negrean A, Murray A, Rozsa B, Polleux F, Clopath C and Losonczy A.
Nature, 2022.

Adaptive stimulus selection for consolidation in the hippocampus.

Terada S, Geiller T, Liao Z, O'Hare J, Vancura B and Losonczy A.
Nature, 2022.

Local feedback inhibition tightly controls rapid formation of hippocampal place fields.

Rolotti S, Ahmed M, Szoboszlay M, Geiller T, Negrean A, Blockus H, Gonzalez K, Sparks F, Solis Canales AS, Tuttman A, Peterka D, Zemelman B, Polleux F and Losonczy A.
Neuron, 2022

Compartment-specific tuning of hippocampal dendritic feature selectivity by intracellular calcium release.

O’Hare J, Herrlinger S, Gonzalez K, Hirabayashi Y, Hewitt V, Blockus H, Szoboszlay M, Rolotti S, Geiller T, Negrean A, Chelur V, Polleux F and Losonczy A.
Science, 2022.

Recruitment and inhibitory action of hippocampal axo-axonic cells during behavior.

Dudok B, Szoboszlay M, Paul A, Klein P, Liao Z, Hwaun E, Szabo G, Geiller T, Vancura B, Wang BS, McKenzie S, Homidan J, Klaver L, English D, Huang J, Buzsaki G, Losonczy A and Soltesz I.
Neuron, 2021.

Large-scale 3D two-photon imaging of molecularly-identified CA1 interneuron dynamics in behaving mice.

Geiller T*, Vancura B*, Terada S, Troullinou E, Chavlis S, Tsagkatakis G, Tsakalides P, Oscai K, Poirazi P, Rozsa B, and Losonczy A. (*: equal contribution)
Neuron, 2020.

A role for the Locus Coeruleus in hippocampal CA1 place cell reorganization during spatial reward learning.

Kaufman A*, Geiller T*, and Losonczy A. (*: equal contribution)
Neuron, 2020.

Place cells are more strongly tied to landmarks in deep than in superficial CA1.

Geiller T, Fattahi M, Choi J-S, and Royer S.
Nature Communications, 2017.

Sparsened neuronal activity in an optogenetically activated olfactory glomerulus.

Braubach O, Tombaz T, Geiller T, Homma R, Bozza T, Cohen LB, Choi Y.
Scientific Reports, 2018.

Differential representation of landmark and self-motion information along the CA1 radial axis: self-motion generated place fields shift toward landmarks during septal inactivation.

Fattahi M, Sharif F, Geiller T, and Royer S.
Journal of Neuroscience, 2018.

Improving a genetically encoded voltage indicator by modifying the cytoplasmic charge composition. Scientific Reports, 2017

Lee S, Geiller T, Jung A, Nakajima R, Song YK, Baker B.
Scientific Reports, 2017.

Review articles

A local circuit-basis for spatial navigation and memory processes in hippocampal area CA1.

Geiller T, Priestley J, Losonczy A.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 2023.

Segregated cell populations enable distinct parallel encoding within the radial axis of the CA1 pyramidal layer.

Geiller T, Royer S, Choi JS.
Experimental Neurobiology, 2017